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1 Translation result for to precipitate in Spanish


precipitate verb

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precipitated, has precipitated, is precipitating, precipitates
precipitar, provocar; precipitarse (en química), condensarse (en meteorología); arrojar; precipitar (en química)

Example sentences of
precipitate verb

  • Her death precipitated a family crisis.
  • The budget problem was precipitated by many unexpected costs.
  • minerals that precipitate from seawater

Synonyms of
precipitate verb

Reverse translation for to precipitate

precipitar  - to hasten, to speed up, to hurl, to throw 
provocar  - to provoke, to cause, to provoke, to pique 
precipitarse  (en química) - to rush, to act rashly, to throw oneself 
condensarse  (en meteorología)
arrojar  - to hurl, to cast, to throw, to give off, to spew out, to yield, to produce, to vomit 
precipitar  (en química) - to hasten, to speed up, to hurl, to throw 
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